Zeta (2014–)¶
- ... is a package for SageMath (which also relies on Singular, Normaliz, LattE, ...)
- ... provides methods for computing various types (ask, subobject, ...) of zeta functions in "fortunate cases"
- ... is freely available
- ... implements techniques outlined here
SageMath (2005–)¶
is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages [...]
Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab.
- Freely available
- Based upon Python
- Includes GAP, Singular, ...
- Runs on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows
- Command-line ("interactive shell") or browser-based ("notebook") interface
Sage as a symbolic calculator¶
Recall: the ask zeta function of $\mathrm{M}_1(\mathbf Z_p)$ is $\frac{1-p^{-1}T}{(1-T)^2}$.
var('p t') # create symbolic variables
Z = (1-p^(-1)*t)/(1-t)^2
Z.series(t,3) # power series expansion up to given order
1 + (-1/p + 2)*t + (-2/p + 3)*t^2 + Order(t^3)
Z(p=1) # substitution
-1/(t - 1)
Z+1 # arithmetic
-(t/p - 1)/(t - 1)^2 + 1
(p*t^2 - (2*p + 1)*t + 2*p)/(p*t^2 - 2*p*t + p)
(p*t^2 - 2*p*t + 2*p - t)/(p*(t - 1)^2)
Remark. Josh Maglione's package BRational can format such rational functions in a nice way.
Objectives of this tutorial:¶
- Illustrate what Zeta can (and cannot do).
- Describe valid input and the meaning of output.
- Give examples of theorems found (and sometimes proved) with the help of Zeta.
Getting started¶
import Zeta
Ask zeta functions in Zeta¶
In practice: module representations = matrices of linear forms.
R.<a,b,c,d> = QQ[] # create polynomial ring
A = matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])
[a b] [c d]
Zeta can attempt to compute "generic local zeta functions".
Z = Zeta.local_zeta_function(A, 'ask')
(q^2 - t)/(q^2*(t - 1)^2)
Hence, for all but finitely many primes $q$, the ask zeta function of $\mathrm{M}_2(\mathbf Z_q)$ is $\frac{1-q^{-2}T}{(1-T)^2}$. We knew that already.
Note. By default, Zeta attempts to compute ask zeta functions via $\circ$-duals; this can be overwritten.
Experimental mathematics... using Zeta¶
My typical applications of Zeta:
- Combine Zeta and databases/classification results to look for patterns. Examples:
- Loop over all nilpotent Lie algebras of small dimension.
- Loop over all matrices of a given dimension and given shape.
- "Guess & verify" formulae.
- Search for counterexamples.
Guess & verify: triangular matrices¶
What is the ask zeta function of
$$\mathfrak{tr}_d(\mathbf Z_p) = \begin{bmatrix} * & \dots & * \\ & \ddots & \vdots \\ & & * \end{bmatrix}?$$Dimension 2
R.<a,b,c> = QQ[]
A = matrix([[a,b],[0,c]])
[a b] [0 c]
Zeta.local_zeta_function(A, 'ask')
-(q - t)^2/(q^2*(t - 1)^3)
Dimension 3
R.<a,b,c,d,e,f> = QQ[]
A = matrix([[a,b,c],[0,d,e],[0,0,f]])
Zeta.local_zeta_function(A, 'ask')
(q - t)^3/(q^3*(t - 1)^4)
Dimension 4
R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x', 10)
x = R.gens()
A = matrix([[x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3]], [0,x[4],x[5],x[6]], [0,0,x[7],x[8]], [0,0,0,x[9]]])
%time Zeta.local_zeta_function(A, 'ask')
[x0 x1 x2 x3] [ 0 x4 x5 x6] [ 0 0 x7 x8] [ 0 0 0 x9] CPU times: user 1.54 s, sys: 56 ms, total: 1.6 s Wall time: 26.4 s
-(q - t)^4/(q^4*(t - 1)^5)
Higher dimensions
def generic_upper_triangular_matrix(d):
R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x', binomial(d+1, 2))
A = matrix(R, d, d)
it = iter(R.gens())
for i in range(d):
for j in range(i, d):
A[i,j] = next(it)
return A
A = generic_upper_triangular_matrix(5)
[ x0 x1 x2 x3 x4] [ 0 x5 x6 x7 x8] [ 0 0 x9 x10 x11] [ 0 0 0 x12 x13] [ 0 0 0 0 x14]
%time Zeta.local_zeta_function(A, 'ask')
CPU times: user 12.9 s, sys: 90.1 ms, total: 13 s Wall time: 1min 47s
(q - t)^5/(q^5*(t - 1)^6)
These computations inspired the following.
Theorem (R. '18). $\mathsf Z_{\mathfrak{tr}_d(\mathbf Z_p)}^{\mathrm{ask}}(T) = \frac{(1-p^{-1}T)^d}{(1-T)^{d+1}}$.
Note that this is a "nice" formula which is not of constant rank type.
Uniformity: $\sqrt{-1}$¶
R.<a,b> = QQ[]
A = matrix([[a,b],[-b,a]])
[ a b] [-b a]
Z = Zeta.local_zeta_function(A,'ask', symbolic=True)
-(q^2*sc_0*t - q^2*t - 2*q*sc_0*t + q^2 + sc_0*t + t^2 - t)/(q^2*(t - 1)^3)
Subvariety of 1-dimensional torus defined by [x^2 + 1]
Z(sc_0=2).factor() # p == 1 mod 4
-(q^2*t + q^2 - 4*q*t + t^2 + t)/(q^2*(t - 1)^3)
Z(sc_0=0).factor() # p == 3 mod 4
(q^2 - t)/(q^2*(t - 1)^2)
Guess & verify? Diagonal matrices¶
What is the ask zeta function of $\mathfrak d_d(\mathbf Z_p) \subset \mathrm M_d(\mathbf Z_p)$?
def generic_diagonal_matrix(d):
R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x', d)
A = matrix(R,d)
for i in range(d):
A[i,i] = R.gen(i)
return A
Zeta.local_zeta_function(generic_diagonal_matrix(1), 'ask')
(q - t)/(q*(t - 1)^2)
Zeta.local_zeta_function(generic_diagonal_matrix(2), 'ask')
-(q^2*t + q^2 - 4*q*t + t^2 + t)/(q^2*(t - 1)^3)
Zeta.local_zeta_function(generic_diagonal_matrix(3), 'ask')
(q^3*t^2 + 4*q^3*t - 6*q^2*t^2 + q^3 - 12*q^2*t + 12*q*t^2 - t^3 + 6*q*t - 4*t^2 - t)/(q^3*(t - 1)^4)
%time Zeta.local_zeta_function(generic_diagonal_matrix(4), 'ask')
CPU times: user 1.16 s, sys: 96.4 ms, total: 1.26 s Wall time: 1min 57s
-(q^4*t^3 + 11*q^4*t^2 - 8*q^3*t^3 + 11*q^4*t - 56*q^3*t^2 + 24*q^2*t^3 + q^4 - 32*q^3*t + 96*q^2*t^2 - 32*q*t^3 + t^4 + 24*q^2*t - 56*q*t^2 + 11*t^3 - 8*q*t + 11*t^2 + t)/(q^4*(t - 1)^5)
Hadamard products¶
- Exercise: $\mathrm{ask}(\theta \oplus \tilde\theta) = \mathrm{ask}(\theta) \cdotp \mathrm{ask}(\tilde\theta)$.
- Hadamard product of power series: $(\sum a_n T^n) \star (\sum b_nT^n) = \sum a_nb_n T^n$.
- Hence: $\mathsf Z_{\theta\oplus\tilde\theta}(T) = \mathsf Z_{\theta}(T) \star \mathsf Z_{\tilde\theta}(T)$
Diagonal matrices (again)¶
- The ask zeta function of $\mathfrak{d}_d(\mathbf Z_p)$ is the $d$th Hadamard power of $\frac{1-p^{-1}T}{(1-T)^2}$.
- Surprise! This was computed by Brenti (1994).
Theorem. $\mathsf{Z}_{\mathfrak d_d(\mathbf Z_p)}(T) = \frac{h_d(-p^{-1},T)}{(1-T)^{d+1}}$, where $\mathrm B_d = \{ \pm 1\} \wr \mathrm S_d$ and $$h_d(X,Y) = \sum\limits_{\sigma\in\mathrm B_d} X^{\mathrm N(\sigma)} Y^{\mathrm{d_B}(\sigma)}.$$
Direct sums of more complicated matrix spaces?¶
R.<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h> = QQ[]
A = matrix([[a],[b]])
B = matrix([[c,d],[e,f],[g,h]])
C = block_diagonal_matrix(A,B)
[a|0 0] [b|0 0] [-+---] [0|c d] [0|e f] [0|g h]
Zeta.local_zeta_function(A, 'ask')
(q - t)/((q*t - 1)*q*(t - 1))
Zeta.local_zeta_function(B, 'ask')
(q^2 - t)/((q*t - 1)*q^2*(t - 1))
Zeta.local_zeta_function(C, 'ask')
-(q^4*t - q^3*t + q^3 - 2*q^2*t + q*t^2 - q*t + t)/((q^2*t - 1)*(q*t - 1)*q^3*(t - 1))
Making sense of this formula: see Angela's third lecture 😀
This is "group theory":
- We already saw: $\mathsf Z^{\mathrm{ask}}_{\mathrm{M}_{d\times(d-1)}(\mathbf{Z}_p)}(T) = \mathsf Z^{\mathrm{ask}}_{\mathfrak{so}_d(\mathbf Z_p)}(T)$.
- Let $\mathsf F_{2,d}$ be the group scheme naturally arising from the free class-$2$ nilpotent group on $d$ generators. One can show that $\mathsf Z^{\mathrm{cc}}_{\mathsf F_{2,d}\otimes \mathbf Z_p}(T) = \mathsf Z^{\mathrm{ask}}_{\mathfrak{so}_d(\mathbf Z_p)}(p^{\binom d 2}T)$.
- Up to a simple transformation, our formula above therefore counts conjugacy classes of $\mathsf F_{2,2} \times \mathsf F_{2,3}$!
Class-counting zeta functions¶
- Zeta can compute local conjugacy class zeta functions attached to nilpotent Lie algebras.
- Formally: let $\mathfrak g$ be a nilpotent Lie $\mathbf Z$-algebra with $\mathfrak g \approx \mathbf Z^\ell$ additively.
- (We pretend to) choose an embedding $\mathfrak g \subset \mathfrak n_d(\mathbf Z[\frac 1 N])$.
- Zeta can attempt to compute the conjugacy class zeta functions of $\exp(\mathfrak g\otimes \mathbf Z_p)$ for $p \gg 0$.
- $\mathfrak g$ can be defined e.g. by structure constants.
Example: Heisenberg¶
# Basis (x,y,z) with [x,y]=z=(0,0,1), [y,x]=-z=(0,0,-1)
H = Zeta.Algebra([[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0)],
[(0, 0,-1), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)],
[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)]])
Zeta.local_zeta_function(H, 'cc')
-(t - 1)/((q^2*t - 1)*(q*t - 1))
Other types of zeta functions¶
Zeta can attempt to compute zeta functions enumerating
- ... subalgebras and ideals of additively finitely generated $\mathbf Z$-algebras,
- ... (twist isoclasses of) irreducible representations of f.g. nilpotent groups,
- ... submodules of $\mathbf Z^d$ of finite index which are invariant under a given set of matrices.
Zeta.local_zeta_function(H, 'subalgebras')
-(q^2*t^2 + q*t + 1)/((q^3*t^2 - 1)*(q*t + 1)*(q*t - 1)*(t - 1))
Zeta.local_zeta_function(H, 'ideals')
-1/((q^2*t^3 - 1)*(q*t - 1)*(t - 1))
Zeta.local_zeta_function(H, 'reps')
(t - 1)/(q*t - 1)
The future: there's money in ... AI¶
A group of people in Galway are or will soon be working on combining Zeta (and the methods it uses) and techniques from machine learning.
Feature requests?¶
- The development of Zeta was primarily driven by my own research needs and things communicated to me.
- What features or functionality would you find useful?